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Workout Wednesday: AMRAP Quickie

It’s the holiday season and you don’t have much time to squeeze in a workout, thus presenting you with the choice to blow it off or wake up at some ungodly hour to get in your regular routine. While I am fully in favor of waking up for early morning workouts, they are just not always feasible and can lead to the overall sense of exhaustion that can accompany the season.

But what if there was a third option? My friends, I present to you the AMRAP Quickie. It’s short, it’s intense, it will give you a great sweat, and you can proceed with your day. Sound good? Ok, well then let’s get to it! No time to waste on silly blog posts when there are quickie workouts to be had!

AMRAP Quickie: Perform 5 rounds of the following exercises with the goal of trying to increase your number of reps per exercise with each consecutive set.

  1. 100m Row (or 1/4 sprint if you do not have access to a row machine) as fast as possible

  2. 1 minute Push-ups

  3. 1 minute Burpees

  4. 1 minute Jump Squats

  5. 1 minute V-ups


Get Fit For It,


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