If you like split workouts, this lower body focused circuit routine will be great to add to your repertoire. We’ll hit the legs, gluts, and lower back, and core all in one simple, efficient routine. Give this a try and let us know what you think!
Warm-Up: 2x through, 30s per exercise
Jump Rope
Alternating forward lunges
Butt Kicks
Side to Sides
Workout: Complete each circuit two to three times through before moving to the next exercise. For weighted exercises, choose a weight that you can complete 8-10 reps per exercise with good form.
Circuit 1:
Forward alternating lunges w/weighted barbell or holding DBs – x10 each leg
Straight leg dead lift w/barbell – x10
V-Ups – x15
Circuit 2:
Front Squats w/barbell – x10
Side lunges w/DB – x10 each leg
Same side bicycle crunches – x15 each leg
Circuit 3:
Stability ball hamstring curls – x15
Stability ball transfers (core exercise) – x10
Single leg squats to bench holding DB – x10 each leg
Stability ball back extensions w/DB – x10
Stretch, focusing on the quads, hamstrings, and glutes.
Get Fit For It,